
Djukanovic decided to withdraw from the PM position in order to become president of Montenegro?

It is possible that Djukanovic is withdrawing from politics precisely with that intention, said Croatian professor Stjepan Malovic, who is regarded as a great connoisseur of local and regional circumstances. He says that he sees Djukanovic as the future head of the state.

“Why not? It has already been seen. There will be elections and he can run in the elections. It will be a matter of assessment and political moment and balance of power. DPS is still the strongest party and it will not drop that capital with the number of votes. I think it will take advantage of that in the presidential election”, Malovic told CdM.

And what is that “political moment” and “balance of power” which could possibly motivate him to run for president of Montenegro once again? He was the head of the state from 1998 to 2002.

“If he sees that he cannot be sufficiently influential and present in daily political life only with his party, he will return to an active political position”, said Malovic.

Regardless of the potential candidacy for president, Djukanovic remains the head of DPS which means that he has not retired from politics. Malovic said that Djukanovic would remain very-very present in Montenegrin politics.

“I think he is very well aware that you do not need to be constantly in power and that sometimes it is good to retire from office, but I doubt that he will let the political party he has led for many years be out of his hands. That will be his way of staying in politics”, Malovic concluded.

Presidential elections will be held in 2018.

Filip Vujanovic has been president since 2003 and can no longer run for the position because he is prohibited by the Constitution.

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