
A2A denied requests from the opposition in the government of electoral trust

Vice president of the government Vujica Lazovic notifed this morning the other vice president of the government Milorad Vujovic of the response from the Italian side and invited opposition representatives once again to act professionally and do not use politically motivated moves to obstruct the regular operations of the Government. 

„Blocking capital projects is not the protection of national interests or citizens’ interests for which you are supposedly fighting. I am using this opportunity to point out again the fact that the position of the ‘troika’ has changed from day to day, and that opinions stated at the first meeting are not found in the proposal that was handed in yesterday. Professionally and politically is irresponsible to submit proposals which are intentionally unclear, legally problematic and designed primarily for confusion of the public. If the real intention was protection of national interests, the time that has past was more than enough to formulate legal proposals and amend the Contract in a way acceptable for both sides. However, proposals of this type by the opposition only confirm that the text of the contract that the Government has defined is good and that there aren’t eny elements that can be amended which would be in accordance with internationals standards and positive practice”, it is stated in the letter by vice president Lazovic. 

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