
AFIS system control starts today

He said that software needs to compare fingertips database of 530.000 citizens currently listed as voters.

“After that we will see if some fingertips overlap, or some voters are double in the system“, Danilović said to journalists during celebratory award ceremony for MUP employes.

He said that MUP will not make this analysis by eye, but there is a procedure in place that identify duplications professionally.

Working group will be the first to determine whether to send the data to Forensic Center.

“I hope that everything will work out fine and that the results will not jeopardize the electoral process”, Danilović said.

He reminded that this is a complex procedure that he hopes will take 24 hours.

“AFIS system compares one fingertip with all the others in the database of 530.000”, Danilović was precise.

He said that AFIS system check will be performed once again before making the voters’ list final.

When asked whether political tensions can turn into conflicts, Danilović said there is no reason to worry.

“If we have an honest election day and honest electoral process than we will accept the results as honest. If there are manipulations, everyone has a right to respond to them in accordance with the law”, Danilović said.

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