
Children threw stones at LGBTIQ Social Centre

Police are informed about the incident.

“No lawsuit has been filed since the perpetrators are the minors – children”, the NGI added.

Representatives of the LGBT community informed the police that they wanted to carry out a preventive and educational conversation with their parents in order, as they put it, to help the children to overcome violence and hatred which they show towards different people mainly due to ignorance.

“The educational system of Montenegro, ie school curricula, has not integrated human rights and social acceptance of LGBT persons yet, which has serious consequences – the violence and resistance coming from school children of all ages and their parents”, the NGO stated.

According to them, nothing has been done regarding this for many years and government’s LGBT policy in the area of ​​education is still a dead letter.

“If incidents of this kind involving the same population continue, LGBT organisations will not sue the perpetrators, but the state of Montenegro as an entity responsible for tolerating atmosphere of violence and intolerance for decades and refusing to implement serious and substantive educational reforms. Children and parents are not responsible because the state does not communicate with them well enough in terms of social acceptance of LGBT people and fight against violence and hatred against that population”, the NGO stated.

The organisation pointed out as a very positive fact about this incident that the neighbours who lived near the LGBT café had documented the children’s act by taking photos.

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