
Collegium this week: Ranko’s departure unblocking the Parliament

Majority of parliamentary clubs think that for the last six months the parliament has been blocked and that this luxury cannot be allowed again. There are hundreds of laws, decrees and reports in parliament waiting to be adopted. Some of the laws are being held for more than four years, and in ast six months not a single law was passed, which is inexcusable for a parliament. 

Parliament is also waited for the decision on the temporary board for monitoring of elections. All institutions have done their part of the job, only the parliament hasn’t. This should be one of the priorities of the parliament. A priority is also choosing the president of the Parliament, but at this moment it cannot be estimated when wil that happen, because there need to be consultations at party level, then proposal of candidates, then discussion and only then the choice. 

One of the important issues is also the proposal of the decision for forming a temporary parliamentary board for supervision of investigations of cases of endangering security of journalist’s.

Member of Socialistic people’s party Snezana Jonica said that it’s inexcusable that any party or an individual’s actions can lead to what happened in the Parliament of Montenegro, and that is almost a complete blockade of the work for full five months. 

Colaition partners of DPS think that the position of the president of the parliament is very important for the country and that president is needed even if it was only for two months.

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