
Đokaj: Prosecution needs to react if citizens’ personal information was copied

Đokaj invited Prosecution to urgently react and he is offering complete documentation and records of supervision in MUP.

“Information of the data being copied to a CD is worrisome and we will initiate supervision. Whoever had courage to copy personal data from the registers and take it out of the institution did so intently, so there is reason for them to take criminal and legal responsibility. Prosecution should react urgently, before the data gets abused”, Đokaj said.

He said that their control already determined that one of the session in MUP and coordination team had the CD passed around.

“No one knows where did this data end up, or where it could end up. This is the information from original registers, so the possibilities for frauds are endless. What if they end up somewhere abroad? Who can be sure their data was not misused to various ends? This is a serious matter and the Prosecution needs to react as soon as possible”, Đokaj said.

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