
Expectant mothers to receive full salaries

Fund explained to Pobjeda daily that Ministry of Health did not change this article in the Law, and that the Law clearly states that “employed women on maternal leave would get reimbursement of 100% based on the salary”.

“We believe that the legislation does not discriminate expectant mothers. Reimbursement of salaries entail the obligation of Fund to reimburse the employer in the height of two average salaries, while other employees on temporary leave get up to one average salary”, the Fund explained.


On the other hand, association “Parents” believes that it is necessary to further articulate this article. They sent out a note to Ministry of Health stating that this article is defined so it can have a free interpretation and thus lead to “discrimination of expectant mothers and encouragement to employers to disrespect contracts for specified periods of time or determine that they are redundant due to their pregnancy”.

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