
Expenses for Bojan’s treatment covered, money needed for the stay in Turkey

Bojan explained that he needs the money for his stay in Turkey, which is not at all cheap, and that all the money for treatment has already been provided by the Health Insurance Fund.

“I want to thank everyone for the tremendous support, both financial and moral, and I want to emphasize my gratitude to the Fund, which took over the payment of the complete treatment in Istanbul. I also owe immense gratitude to the Chief of the hematology department at the Clinical Center of Montenegro, Dr. Anka Popovic, who has been there for me from day one”, he wrote.

The Health Insurance Fund also made a statement:

“The cost of treatment in the full amount, which will range from 130 to 160,000 euros, or more, will be covered by the Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro. The Fund will also cover travel costs for the insured person and a companion”, explained the Fund.


The Fund stressed they understand and respect the need of the family and their friends to ask fellow citizens for help, but added it was their duty to provide full information to the public and explain that money is not needed for treatment, as interpreted by some media, but for accommodation and expenses Bojan’s companion.

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