
Jasavic: SDP will remain in the government, URA chased of the investors

According to her words civic movement URA is an informal group trying to become a politcal party. 

“Their task is to try and manage budget and finances and to continue to chase away investors like they’ve been doing for years. As for professional capacity, that is not their strong side and they’ve shown this. It’s not enough to change the regime, it is necessary to change the politics”, she empphasized. 

Asked what she expects from SDP, Jasavic said that is clear that they will remain in the government, which creates additional confusion and dilemma. 

“So, either URA’s arguments for leaving the government are bad, or the decision by SDP and Demos to remain in the government is bad. It cannot be that everyone made a good decision, and I leave it for the public to be the judge. My opinion is that URA was irresponsible, and this was understood by their ministers which is why they remained in the government”, said Jasavic. 

Jasavic added that citizens need to be explained that we must build a country with rule of law and country of social justice based on the free will of citizens, and not on abuse of public resources, corruption and criminal. 

Asked if it’s possible to make a coalition with parties with similar program such as SD, Cdu or Liberal party, Jasavic said that anything is possible in politics but you have to have some standards and principles. 

„The only sure thing is that we won’t make coalitions with those who are against Montenegro and who do not acknowledge it. We look for healthy cores in all parties with whom we can cooperate, but we don’t want compromised politicians”, she said among other things. 

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