
Milić: We cannot play the losing game

In an interview to MINA Agency, Milić said that DPS is basing its rule on divided Montenegro.

“They represent Montenegro as a poor country, and themselves as heroes who give out mercy and save people from hunger. Which they have caused, supporting their corrupt businessmen. Engineers, writers, agriculture workers, mechanics, they are the ones who are hungry”,  Milić said.

He said that the time has come to see through this game and say – it is enough.

“The only way to fight to fight DPS is if we are united and reconciled. This is the reason SNP, along with Demos and URA, formed big coalition Ključ. We want to show that honest, hard working Montenegro exist and that is stronger than DPS parasites”, Milić said.

“One group that makes us fight, and then rules over us. They have managed to get rich and to persevere using this fight”, Milić said.

He said that they have divided the people to Montenegrins, Bosnians, Serbians, Albanians, Croatians…

“They divide us based on faith, catholics, muslims, orthodox people, and even within orthodox faith, we have further divides. They divide us to north and south, to rich and poor, to rulers and subjects, to greed and hopeless. We cannot play this losing game any longer”, Milić said.

When asked for comments about Snežana Jonica leaving the party, or Aleksandar Damjanović not being on the representatives list, Milić said that “Snežana and Aleksandar are without a doubt two of the best representatives in the Parliament of Montenegro and their departure from the Parliament or SNP would be loss for both SNP and this state institution”.

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