
Nikšić people live from selling potatoes, now do not know what to do with it

Ratko Živković used to produce the largest quantity of potatoes in Montenegro. Now, he says, large systems import enormous measures of potatoes for the small market of Montenegro, and national producers cannot sell their produce.

“Our biggest issue is not the low price, that we cannot use to cover basic expenses, but the import that is too large. Someone should be worried. It would not be a problem if large trading companies bought from us and imported what was lacking, but this is just a strange situation”, Živković said, adding that he is certain that national produce is better than imported.

Producers claim that the potato being imported is not subject to control, and that its selling of 20 cents per kilogram has no basis in economy.

“I believe that the state is responsible for the situation we are in, because it is doing nothing to protect national producers”, Božidar Milić said.

His colleague Pavle Božović is determined to stop producing potatoes should the country fail to enable him to sell his produce. He is also producing aronia, that is also difficult to sell.

“I do not know what to do with all these potatoes. I cannot store it. I will give it as a gift. Can our state explain to us, is our potato bad, is it contaminated, does it have too high a price. If they are trying to promote agriculture, I do not understand why are they ruining it”, Božović said.

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