
Pajovic has done eight times more in two months than Krivokapic in half a year

In two months since he has been in charge of the Parliament, the parliament has done eight and a half times more work than during the first half of the year, while it’s president was Ranko Krivokapic. 

“In first half of the year, the Parliament adopted ten laws. In last two months we adopted 85 laws. We adopted total of 117 legal acts. In two months we did as much as it was done for almost a year. We unblocked the work of the Parliament. I believe that in difficult times we rose to the occasion. In these two months we didn’t have any boycotts in the parliament. We worked in full capacity”, he emphasized. 

“Regardless that some individuals tried to undermine what we’ve achieved, by giving up on benefits of phones and reducing fuel expenses we have sent the message of solidarity to citizens who live below dignity and honor in our country”, he said. 

He also said that there will be lay offs. Targetted will be those who were employed via party connections. 

“I didn’t have time to deal with that until now. Those who put party ahead of its professionality won’t be able to do so anymore”, he emphasized and added that no member of Pozitivna works in the Parliament. 

Chief of parliament once again commented the announcement of URA, SDP and Demos that they will consider the exit from the Government. 

“The fact that someone doesn’t know what to do with themselves is not my personal, or Pozitivna’s problem. That is an alibi for those who are not up to the challenge”, said Pajovic. 

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