
PHOTO: Municipality Day in Kolasin celebrated behind a police cordon, Vuksanovic welcomed with cries “Satan”

As previously announced by the strike committee, the strike lasting for 70 days has been moved in front of the Culture Centre where the session was held.

The protestors called the leaders of local authorities “Satans”, while Ms Vuksanovic was “welcomed” with the words “welcome the hero who has been torturing us since the beginning of her reign in an unprecedented way in the history of this town”.

Despite of the very uneasy situation, the workers remained calm, and there were no incidents.

According to the chairman of the strike committee, Dragoljub Mijo Bukilic, the current local government has nothing to be proud of, and that is why, as he points out, they scheduled working, instead of a ceremonial session.

“They have nothing to boast about. Almost a year after they came to power, they have done nothing either for the town of Kolasin, or for employees. They owe 20 salaries to the employees of the Culture Centre and 16 salaries to the employees of the local government and the Protection and Rescue Service. The last salary we received last year on October 27th. From September 1st we will start to take our families with us and on September 7th, all of us will start the hunger strike. It has never happened in the history of Kolasin to celebrate Municipality Day with police cordons. Kolasin has not deserved to be treated like this. A ceremonial session should have been held. They should be ashamed because none of the guests arrived, including the president of the state,” Mr Bukilic told reporters.

Despite the awkward situation in front of the public institution, councillors and representatives of the local executive branch held a working session during which the President of the Municipality of Kolasin, Zeljka Vuksanovic, presented to the councillors the details regarding the taking out the 7 million loan, which would financially recover the municipality, thus creating conditions for paying the salaries.

“I can repeat what I have already said that we, the Municipality of Kolasin and its citizens, owe10 million. Currently the debt could have been changed but only in the sense that local authorities have not issues orders for spending a single Euro since in office. Our account has been blocked and every financial inflow into this account is being transferred to repaying the debts,” Ms Vuksanovic said.

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