
SDP: Montenegrin or Russian criminal must be held accountable for the state coup

“Today, after we have lived through a state coup, you need to explain to the citizens who is responsible for it. Why did our President Filip III Vujanović fail to comment on this occasion? What about our President learning of the state coup and his arrest from the media? How come Minister of Interior Affairs knows nothing of the state coup? When will the procedure against EKIP be started due to them cutting communicational channels in the midst of the state coup? Who are the people in videos claiming to be buyers of DPS votes? If they are setting you up, they need to be held responsible, if they are not, you need to be held responsible together. When will Director of Police, the only one in the know about the state coup, ask for a notebook from Mayor of Gusinje?“, SDP is asking.

SDP claims that DPS made an attack on citizens’ constitutional right to vote freely.

“Whoever attempted or simulated the state coup in order to disrupt elections will have to be held responsible. Whether the perpetrator were financed by Montenegrin or Russian criminals, someone will have to be held responsible. The citizens are expecting full truth and you can not run away from this story”, SDP statement concludes.

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