
VIDEO: Đukanović: Mafia is not stronger than the state

Đukanović responded to journalists’ questions after a session of Steering Committee of Commerce Body, but he did not wish to comment on murder attempt of former police inspector Predrag Šuković, saying that the crime task of police should take care of that matter.

“They will come at a response. I do not believe that it is up to Prime Minister to comment on such matters, especially not at this phase”, he said.

When asked whether yesterday’s event sends a message about mafia’s strength in Montenegro, he was clear in response.

“It does not. Mafia is not stronger than the state. Whoever believes that, does not have all the facts. The state is always stronger and able to control matters”, Đukanović said.

He does not feel responsible for an environment where whistleblowers are considered political manipulators.

“This is not about a whistleblower. The state passed the Law on conflict of interest defines this activity, but it needs to be within the law”, Prime Minister said.

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