
Vujanovic and Dinosa: Cooperation strengthening is in mutual interest

As the officials said, such cooperation is of mutual interest for the citizens of Montenegro and Kosovo.

Vujanovic pointed out that the conditions are met for the two neighbouring countries to exchange ambassadors, since the Montenegrin community in Kosovo has been recognised by the Law on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities and their Members, adopted in December 2011. The law was supported by all the relevant Montenegrin entities in Kosovo.

“Based on this support, the strategy for the integration and promotion of the Montenegrin community in Kosovo has been adopted. Its development has been supported by the Government of Kosovo, which set up a working group for its implementation”, Vujanovic’s office stated.

It was also pointed out that Kosovo was going through a specific period of parliamentary life, which significantly affected the dynamics of amending the Constitution. Thus Montenegrin community would be included in the most important legal act in Kosovo.

Dinosa said he would be committed to cooperation between the two countries, pointing out that he would work on affirmation of friendship and complete understanding in order to improve already good relations between Montenegro and Kosovo.

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