
When a party’s interest is more important than the Constitution

President of the Constitutional Court, Desanka Lopičić, said that in the last two years, as much as 90 laws were challenged before the Constitutional Court.

Vukovic said that he, as a member of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament, also claimed that certain laws were unconstitutional, and submitted requests to the Constitutional Court to verify their constitutionality.

“Analysis of applicants of the verification procedure for documents adopted by the Assembly will show that these were not individual cases, where people think they have been somehow wronged because the law was not made perfect, but we have a large number of disputed cases where a majority in the Parliament used legal solutions, destabilizing economic and financial stability, constitutional and legal order”, said Vukovic.

However, he emphasized that the fact that 90 laws were submitter for verification does not mean they were all unconstitutional, and that many other laws, good laws, were passed with a hiccup or a complaint.

President of the Legislative Committee, Draginja Vuksanovic (SDP), agreed by saying that “just challenging constitutionality of some laws that were passed in the Assembly does not mean that the Constitutional Court made its final decision; it means that the procedure is still ongoing”.

Independent deputy Neven Gošović explained for Pobjeda daily that the initiative to review the constitutionality of a law can be submitted by anyone, adding that it is up to the Constitutional Cpurt to be thorough, detailed and fair in their judgement on the 90 disputed laws, but also swift and fast, because it should not take years to reach these decisions.

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