
Adult citizens to decide on their own about organ donation

The Government of Montenegro approved  the amendments to the Law on Organ Transplantation for treatment purposes. This regulation stipulates donation of organs taken from a dead person, with prior consent of the adult, reasonable person.

“In case of brain death, persons who hadn’t given consent, a family member can give the consent”, said Dr Vesna Miranović, national coordinator for transplantation.

Proposed motions might increase the number of persons who, in case of brain death,  will accept to give their organs for treatment purposes.

“Raising citizens’ awareness along with high-quality legal framework might lead to some very significant progress in transplantation medicine”, said Ms Miranović.

The Law on Organ Transplantation from 2016, did not stipulate that adult persons can give consent  in case of brain death. Therefore, they were deprived of expressing their free will and their family had the final say.

New law stipulates that all consents to organ transplantation, statements on their revocation or amendments shall be registered.

The registers will be kept by the Ministry of Health, on the basis of the data collected by doctors and hospital coordinators.

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