
Historical agreement or betrayal of DF voters?

The “historical agreement”, as it was dubbed by the leaders of the coalitions that won the elections, Mr Drtan Abazović, Mr Aleksa Bečić and Mr Zdravko Krivokapić, brought nothing new or different in relation to the policy that has been pursued over the last decades.

In essence, this agreement is the confirmation of all decisions made by the governments so far, especially those they have been opposing in the institution and in the streets.

It was yesterday when the former opposition recognized results of the referendum held in 2006, it was yesterday when they recognized Montenegro’s independence, its anthem and its symbols.

They also recognized independent Kosovo, said that NATO is our reality and the EU our future.

How will Metropolitan react to this?

Metropolitan was politically engaged during the referendum campaign.

“Or NO to the Satan, sin and death, all false ideologies that poison human soul and move the divine spark into deadlock. Let’s say NO to the Satan – the murderer that poisons and darkens human mind, to that demonic heritage that endangers human dignity. Let’s say NO to lawlessness, while bowing to the God’s law. Let’s say NO to the dissent, to all that separates us from the God and from each other…”, Mr Amfilohije said at the liturgy in the Church of Saint Archangel Mihailo in Zavala village near Podgorica.

However, those who he helped to come to power, yesterday agreed that Montenegro is an independent state and that the new government “will pursue pro-Montenegrin course”.

Montenegrin public remembers well that in, October 2008, pro-Serbian political parties led by Democratic Front organized protests against Montenegrin independence, which then escalated to violent conflicts with police.

Although it did not take part in the organization of protests, Serbian Orthodox Church endorsed them.

And today, the same forces confirm Montenegro’s NATO membership. How will Metropolitan react to this, it remains to be seen.

The same goes for state symbols. DF, as the strongest political subject in the trio forming the government, would deny Montenegrin flag and anthem. They even went that far as to request constitutional amendments.

Agreement signed yesterday recognizes state symbols.


There are now many questions that coalitions need to answer: starting from the minimal wage of €350, Law providing mothers with three and more children with compensations, child allowances, free books for pupils in elementary schools, Montenegro as new Switzerland in the Balkans…

And for now, not even a word about experts.


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