
Marković: I didn’t order arrest of Joanikije and other priests

Montenegro’s Prime Minister, Mr Duško Marković, said in the Parliament today that he hadn’t ordered arrest of Bishop Joanikije and other priests on 12 May in Nikšić and that he had found out about that the following day.

Mr Goran Danilović asked Mr Marković what attack he had referred to at the extraordinary conference when he said that Montenegro “was exposed to brutal attack that might have terrible consequences on citizens’ health”.

“Did you, in that context, arrange arrest of bishop Joanikije and eight other priests and order their transport in a police car”, Mr Danilović asked.

“You should know that president of the Government is not in charge of issuing orders about who should be arrested and in what car. That falls within the competence of the prosecutor’s office. I was informed about the arrest the next morning. Where did you get that information from? That’s not true. Provide facts. Before and after the arrest I was in contact with metropolitan. It’s not true it was my order and I don’t expect you to believe me. Unlawful gatherings across Montenegro on 12 May could have had terrible consequences for health”, PM said.

PM said that Mr Danilović “decided to launch a campaign on this subject”.

“It happens often that you start talking and then you stop. Nothing finishes with silence in Montenegro, but with dialogue. You boycott and then you are here again, you walk in protest and then you don’t. I must admit I thought your approach to politics was serious. I am wondering where you have been to help your citizens in fight against the disease. But you were in the first line to approve violation of measures. Is there any difference in violation of rules among a shop assistant, chauffeur or a priest? Government’s task is to make sure freedoms and rights are not compromised by irresponsible ones”, PM said.

Mr Danilović replied he believed Mr Marković and that Mr Veselin Veljović, Director of Police Department had received order from someone to transport Mr Joanikije in a police car.

Attempts to jeopardize Montenegro’s independence are in vain

Any attempt of destabilization will be sanctioned in accordance with the Constitution and law. Montenegro today is resistant to aggression and deniers of its independence, Mr Marković said.

Mr Dragutin Papović, DPS member, asked PM what Government’s response was to frequent attempts aimed at jeopardizing peace, stability, democracy and civil society of Montenegro.

“All such attempts will be in vain. Or attacks sounds better because attempt is too mild a word to describe everything we were faced with”, Mr Marković answered.

Government’s message goes as follows:

“Any destruction and destabilization attempt will be sanctioned. With determination and efficiency, because Montenegro is not what it was 10 years ago. It is not alone”, Mr Marković said.

Humanity is personal

DF member, Mr Milan  Knežević, asked Mr Marković how much money Milo, Blažo and Aco Đukanović, and Ms Ana Kolarević had paid to help Montenegrin citizens during the epidemic.

Mr Marković said that so far €8.011.873, 21 had been paid to the account of the National Coordination Body and that many citizens had opted for anonymous support.

Milan Knežević

“Names of many companies and persons who have helped had no media affirmation. But were not left without our gratitude and respect. Humanity is personal, goes without big deal and self-propaganda”, Mr Marković said.

He added that every donation was a personal act and that he would never even think of asking Mr Knežević how much money he had donated.

“I believe that you, as great humanist and specialist in language, know very well the sense of the word – donation. It’s first and foremost personal act! I would never ask anyone of you how much money you have donates. That would be impolite”, Mr Marković said.

He said to DF that they were far from anti-fascist values.

We respect Serbia’s decision on the prohibition of MA flights

Commenting on Serbia’s decision to ban MA flights, Mr Marković said “it is their decision”.

“And we respect it. We’ll see how long it will take”, Mr Marković said.

Montenegro didn’t go backwards in democratic terms

Member of Socialist Democratic Party, mr Ranko Krivokapić, wanted to know what Mr Marković’s plans were to stop negative trends in society which sabotage further EU progress, stability and overall consolidation  process.

Mr Krivokapić said that corruption was great problem and that now that Montenegro “is corona-free destination”, it would be great “if it became also corruption-free destination”.

Ranko Krivokapić


Mr Marković was surprised by the sharpness of Mr Krivokapić’s statements.

“The Government is carefully analyzing everything that comes from international addresses. We can’t agree with Freedom House report as it relies dominantly on the interpretations of local analysts and there’s always possibility that factual matters are not accurate and, therefore, conclusions are wrong. But we don’t ignore the problems they highlighted”, Mr Marković said.

Mr Marković said that rule of law wasn’t a task to be fulfilled in short term.

“It’s a system of values which is constantly demonstrated and developed”, Mr Marković said.

Competent authorities to prosecute those who are trying to undermine multinational and multi-Jewish harmony

Mr Marković called on competent authorities to work day and night on identifying individuals who “are trying to undermine multinational and multi-Jewish harmony”.

“We must not and will not allow that to happen because that harmony is the most valuable thing Montenegro has”, PM said.

He reiterated that he regarded such attacks as assaults on foundations of Montenegrin state.

Many centuries ago, we funded our country on co-existence and differences, which became our international legitimacy.

“Such Montenegro has overcome all obstacles and gone through so many changes. It came out stringer and better every time, more democratic and more European. That’s the kind of Montenegro you have seen over the past few months. And it was personified in our experts, managers, workers – of all religions and nations, hand in hand! We looked at them the same way, regardless of accents and dialects, in days of Easter and Bayram”, Mr Marković said.

Mr Marković stressed that “thanks to the elimination of differences and divisions we defeated the epidemic and found our place in the group of countries that win when it’s the hardest”.

“Heroes are born in tough times. There’s one thing I am certain about – entire Montenegro is the hero and the winner! Nobody can cast shadow on Montenegro. Whoever is trying to do that, will fail. They are not even worth the comment”, Mr Marković pointed out.


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