
Montenegro relieves tensions in the Balkans

Dragan Đukanović

Montenegro is some kind of a regional reconciliation factor, that factor that impacts the relief of evident tensions on the Western Balkans and offers some sort of role of a mediator in numerous unsettled regional issues. That’s why I’m confused about the messages coming from Belgrade, that’s not good for neighboring relations, says in the interview for “Pobjeda” Dragan Đukanović, professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences and President of the Center for Foreign Policy. He points out that, unfortunately, one part of political public in Montenegro is still dreaming of some sort of overcome projects, communities and unions.

He also gave his opinion on why Serbia through tabloids conducts a primitive campaign against regional countries.

“That leaves deep marks, although the creators of public opinion think the opposite. That creates the atmosphere for prejudices and that definitely won’t lead to reconciliation and better relations in the region”, says Đukanović.

Some messages coming from Belgrade are even ambiguous.

“Recently, Ivica Dačić invited the members of the Serbian community to take part int he executive power, which means that specific circles in Belgrade think that it is essential that Serbs accept Montenegro as their country. Montenegro is some sort of regional facilitator. It is criticized for being part of KFOR although it is its obligation because of its NATO membership”, said Đukanović.

Đukanović pointed out that the only option he sees is enlargement. However, if there isn’t any further enlargement, the perspective of the entire region won’t be good. He added that Angela Merkel is one of the European leaders who gave most contribution to the acceleration of the European integration process and it is very bad news that she announced dismissal from the chancellor function.

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