
New military structure is the real need of the state

Aleksandar Radić

Military Analyst, Aleksandar Radić, said in the interview for “Pobjeda” that the new organization structure of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, determined by the Government, is the real need that arose with NATO membership.

According to the Government’s decision, it was set that Montenegrin Army counts 2.368 formations in peacetime, whereas at wartime, it should count 5.159 formations.

With the decision on voluntary military service, the space for passive reserve was open.

“Once these people serve their military service, they become passive reserve”, says Radić.

He adds that military organization is not “sacred” and that it can be changed and adapted to new situations whenever necessary. With NATO accession, there occurred the need for the number of formations to be changed from time to time.

“Montenegro is trying to follow the trend of passive reserves and it is pointed out that it is the number of people to be called in case of need, artificial or natural disasters, to provide support for civil institutions”, said Radić.

Decision on the organization and formation structure and the size of the Armed Forces of Montenegro defines that it consists of: General Staff, the first and the second Infantry Battalion, Mixed Artillery Division, Air Force of Montenegro, Navy of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, Fire Support Battalion, Support Battalion, Training Center, Military-Medical Center and Squad for Network and Electronic Warfare.

The same Decision stipulates that the transformation of the existing formation should be done in the forthcoming months.

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