
Sehovic: Government “simmering” €750m from borrowed funds and counting days ‘till upcoming elections

Damir Šehović

“This government has brought with it all the divisions we are witnessing today, it is heating them up and it has enough courage, not to say shamelessness, to talk about reconciliation after all, or to transfer the ball to someone else’s yard for such a social atmosphere. In the same way, it brazenly trivializes the fear of the citizens, putting them in a mocking sentence that no one will pack and take Montenegro”, says the Social Democrat MP and that party’s deputy leader Damir Sehovic in an interview for Dnevne Novine.

When talking about the Marshall Plan, Sehovic says: “I believe that there is no well-intentioned person who would not support a salary increase if it were not for an unrealistic and populist move. However, we are talking here about a ‘modest’, so-called Marshall Plan, which, apart from being unsustainable, has no rational economic basis, which could potentially lead to the collapse of public finances. That is why instead of the name Europe Now, a more accurate name could be Europe Now, Bankruptcy Tomorrow”.

“In addition, it is illogical and unrealistic, because you do not have a free lunch in economics and a first-year economics student knows that. So, it is not a plan that would create added value from which higher salaries would be financed. On the contrary”, Sehovic explains.

“It is unbelievable that, instead of the best move of the government, a year later, we can only be asked to grade the mistakes in its decisions. And, while I am tempted to focus on poor epidemic management and disregard for measures by those who enacted them, or catastrophic economic moves shrouded in populism, I will still say that what makes this government unacceptable is the fueling of the fascism of society and, consequently – divisions”, he says.

“Because, perhaps we could attribute bad economic or moves in health care to incompetence, but that is why there is an undeniable conscious intention to divide and extremize Montenegro, and ‘punish’ its civil part for disobedience”, Sehovic stresses.

“Montenegro is made up of its anti-fascist values and peaceful coexistence, and if you take it away from it, you don’t have to formally liquidate it – it will no longer exist. But I see those who want it malicious as much as naive. Because Montenegro has never in its history failed to defend those values, and it will not fail now. And even less will it allow the state to become a shell, without essence, which would be easier to manage from the side, which is the essential task of the outgoing puppet government”, Sehovic concludes.

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