
Stay strong Jaksa: Charity campaign of 21. Maj primary school

Podgorica-based “21. Maj” primary school initiated a charity campaign “Stay strong Jaksa” to raise money for their student Jaksa Jovanovic. He has been severely injured when he has recently been electrocuted at the Podgorica railway station.

Jaksa has been transported from the national hospital in Podgorica to Belgrade, where he is currently being treated at the Children’s Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns.

He has suffered severe burns over 70 percent of the body. Fortunately, he survived and he is stable.

Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro covers the treatment cost.

In addition to medications received in the children’s hospital, doctors recommended to use very effective Theresienol for buns treatment. The oil is expensive (a litre of oil costs €1,140). Approximately, Jaksa consumes a litre in ten days. The oil will be used until the burns and scars are healed, which, according to doctors, will last about eight to twelve months.

This is the bank account number for donations:

CKB Bank 510311201121500226.

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