
Bečić-Nagy: Montenegro remains committed to European integration

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Aleksa Bečić, held a meeting today with Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro, Mr Ferdinand Nagy.

Mr Bečić expressed satisfaction with stable relations between the two countries and thanked for Romania’s contribution to Montenegro’s NATO accession and its EU path. President of the Parliament reminded that there was a clear objective and consensus regarding European integration process in Montenegro.

Ambassador Nagy expressed special satisfaction with the fact that Montenegro became part of NATO during his seven-year long term of office.

He pointed out that Romania would always be Montenegro’s friend and partner.

Mr Bečić emphasized that one of the most important objectives is the affirmation of the parliament as central place of social and political life where all political subjects will work together on reaching agreement on issues relevant to Montenegro’s future.

Interlocutors agreed that parliamentary diplomacy could add to closer cooperation between the two countries.



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