
Blazic like Danilovic: Withdrawing the candidacy under one condition

Đorđije Blažić (Foto: PR Centar)

Professor Djordjije Blazic said he was ready to withdraw from the presidential election campaign if opposition party leaders who supported the common candidate commit to permanently abandon politics in the event of a defeat in the 15 April election.

This message was also sent a few days ago by the leader of the United Montenegro (UCG) Goran Danilovic. He said he was ready to withdraw the candidacy if the leaders of all the opposition parties committed themselves to resign if the opposition candidate Mladen Bojanic does not win the presidential election.

As announced from his election staff, Blazic joins the calls of other candidates and citizens to the leaders of opposition parties who stood behind a common candidate to commit themselves not only to resign, but also to abandon the political scene permanently, in case of defeat in the presidential election.

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