
Budget deficit likely to happen. A minimum of €456m for debt repayment

Draft budget law for next year envisages the deficit of budget even though the outgoing government of Mr Duško Marković was claiming for years on end that in 2021 we’re going to have the budget surplus, several sources close to the Ministry of Finance told Dan daily.

In addition, the next year’s budget envisages the debt repayment amounting to a minimum of €456 million.

The missing funds in the budget will be the sum of debt repayments and budget deficits, and how much the state will borrow in the next year will also depend on how many deposits the current government leaves to the next one.

The meeting on the budget was held yesterday by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, led by the current Minister, Mr Darko Radunović, and the candidates for the Minister of Finance, Mr Milojko Spajić, the Minister for Capital Investments, Mr Mladen Bojanić, and the Minister for Economic Development, Mr Jakov Milatović.

After the three-hour meeting, the Ministry of Finance stated that they informed the interlocutors about the current macroeconomic and fiscal trends and presented the basic parameters that marked this year, as well as the projections for next year.

“Respecting the seriousness of the financial situation, we had a constructive conversation and will continue with it on Wednesday,” they said in a statement.

They told earlier that they drew up the draft budget law within the legal deadline – until October 30 – but didn’t send it to the Government, i.e. the Parliament, because Prime Minister-designate, Mr Zdravko Krivokapić, announced the reorganization of executive power.

After the meeting, Mr Spaić briefly said that the situation has been serious and requires talks.

“It’s good that we started talks and we plan to continue on Wednesday.”

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance, therefore, gave the candidates for ministers a draft budget, and now they’re supposed to review the extensive documentation in a very short period and give their suggestions on it.

Dan daily couldn’t find out the exact amount of the projected budget deficit.




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