
Cetinje pays 750 000 EUR for hotel “Grand”

The Government has transferred the right of pre-emption of the property in Cetinje owned by the joint-stock company “Izvor” to the Capital of Cetinje. This has been done on the basis of the proposal made by the Ministry of Culture and Administration of Cetinje. The estimated value of the property, which is an integral part of the cultural heritage of “Istorijsko jezgro” Cetinje amounts 750 000 EUR.

“In the capacity of the owner of, Ministry of Culture offered for sale real estate worth 750 000 EUR, on the basis of the right of pre-emption.  It’s the property registered into the land registry plot 3701 and 3702 (natural infertile land, rugged land and rocks).The Ministry asked the Capital of Cetinje if it would be interested in buying the right of pre-emption. The Administration said that the real estate was protected cultural heritage (hotel “Grand”, former Lokanda) and it was an integral part of the “Istorijsko jezgro” of Cetinje. It, therefore, has cultural values and the state should use the right of pre-emption Also, the Capital of Cetinje said that it was interested”, reads the explanation.

Article 45 of the Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage regulates the right of pre-emption and it stipulates that the state has the right to purchase the property in private ownership, transfer it to the municipality, as well as that the state and the municipality may waive such right.

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