
Children spend 3.5 hours a day using a mobile

Children aged 12 to 17 spend around 8 hours a day in front of a screen, suggests the research conducted by the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) and UNICEF. The research, which is going to be presented on Monday, shows children spend 3 and a half hours a day using a mobile, around 2 hours a day watching TV, around 1 hour and a half using a computer, less than an hour playing games consoles and around 20 minutes using a tablet.

However, 6 of 10 parents say they are not worried about these facts, as they firmly believe their children achieve good balance between time spent glued to a screen and other activities.

Also, it is noted that there’s a huge gap in media usage between parents and children, as children get the information via internet while parents rather use TV.

The survey on media consumption involved 1,050 parents and 655 children aged 9-17, it was conducted by using a questionnaire parents/children fulfilled in households across Montenegro in August 2018.

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