
First instance decision: Three months in prison for the Ramada case

The head of the Railways Directorate Nebojsa Obradovic, a member of Social Democrats (SD), has been sentenced to three months in prison for abuse of office. The first instance decision was made by the high court judge, Ana Vukovic.

He was convicted because, as stated in the indictment, he had paid “gatherings of citizens” in two occasions from the directorate’s budget.

He spent the state money paying €565 bill for “a citizens’ gathering” that was held in the Ramada hotel in Podgorica on 22 July 2015.

The second bill he paid with the state company amounted to €389.25 for the SD gathering held on 14 January 2016, in the Ramada hotel as well.

Obradovic has the right to appeal against the verdict.

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