
Ivana Sebek new director of PinkM TV


The owner, founder and CEO of the Pink Media Group, Zeljko Mitrovic, dismissed former CEO Goran Radenovic and appoint Ivana Sebek as his successor.

“The new management structure has been strengthened by Nikola Mirkovic as well. With new people, Pink will continue to strengthen Pink Media Group’s leading position on the territory of Montenegro, where PinkM has been the most watched television for years,” the company said.

In order to further improve the quality of the TV station’s programme, the company’s management announces broadcasting both improved and new content.

“In addition to new content, the media outlet will broadcast redesigned live Dnevnik news programme, as well as the most watched short TV form Minut Dva (A Minute or Two) in a new way. Strengthened both in terms of programme content and human resources, we will continue to entertain and inform the largest number of spectators in the Balkans,” PinkM said.

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