
Kosor: Journey to the EU is slow and difficult

Jadranka Kosor

Former Prime Minister of Croatia, Jadranka Kosor, who completed the negotiations with the EU during her term of office, said that the best and the most reasonable principle for the accession to the EU is regatta principle.

“Every country is different and it would be best if its accession to the EU is based on an individual approach.  Therefore, every country should do the job “on its own”, which is the essence of the negotiation process – the country must to everything to prove that it’s a country where the law rules, where human rights are protected. I say this all the time, that’s the way to promote everything we call European values”, says Kosor.

She added that the journey to the EU wasn’t easy at all and it requires strong and brave politicians, determined leaders who truly advocate for the European values. People who lead the country must advocate for peace and stability and even prove that on their own personal example.

“For these five years of our EU membership, I can’t tell you any disadvantage of it. We’ve actually made great progress. The market with more than 500 million people opened, export increased and so on. Big benefits. All thanks to the EU. Croatia should be an example to all other countries from the region. Other countries might even talk to people who used to negotiate for the membership”, said Kosor.


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