
Problems in Kotor: Jokić doesn’t do his job, citizens suffer

Vladimir Jokić

Kotor is in total blockage. The government is not doing their job and doesn’t care about the interests of the citizens. Coalition partners can’t agree on the issues relevant to the development of Kotor. Željko Aprcović, leader of the DPS in Kotor, gave his comments on such situation.

“We honestly hope that competent authorities will question the malfunction of local administration”, says Aprcović.

He pointed out that the session of the assembly in Kotor hasn’t been held for a long time, and it’s not going to be held today either.

“We are not familiar with the reasons why it’s not going to be held. Vladimir Jokić is working illegally, and only for the sake of coalition parties. Projects important for the citizens are not being implemented”, says Aprcović.

As he says, employment in Kotor is provided according to party affiliation.

“They employ their own staff. Human resources are abused and funds are allocated to specific subjects where they have leading functions”, says Aprcović.

Local government in Kotors is acting against any plan and citizens’ money is wasted.

“Luckily, residents of Kotor are aware of the situation. Nothing lasts forever”, said Aprcović.



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